June 13, 2020
Predictive Analytics: The Missing Piece to Remote Rounding
How Predictive Analytics Fills the Visual-Cue Gap Many hospitals are already successfully conducting remote rounding through telehealth tools. With...
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June 13, 2020
How “OK” Can Hurt Your HCAHPS Scores
How to Find the Silent Saboteurs The Tyranny of the Few HCAHPS survey responses reveal that dissatisfied patients are...
June 10, 2020
Why 100 Percent Rounding Isn’t Moving the Needle
Hospitals have long aspired to 100 percent rounding. Overworked hospital staff has often struggled to achieve this goal. Even...
June 10, 2020
HCAHPS Drives Patient Satisfaction AND Better Clinical Outcomes
It’s a misconception to believe that the value of HCAHPS-based rounds is rooted in non-clinical issues, and serves no...
June 7, 2020
Study Reveals APEXamenity Increases HCAHPS
In a 6-month pilot, West Virginia University’s Ruby Memorial Hospital saw Top Box response rates increase by 3.5% for...
June 7, 2020
How PEX Drives Financial Performance
Researchers have found a clear and measurable correlation between hospitals that receive high HCAHPS scores and profitability. A study,...
June 5, 2020
Where Can I Cut? Is PEX Expendable?
COVID-19 has created unprecedented financial challenges for hospitals. Elective surgeries were temporarily postponed, leading to significant financial losses, forcing...
July 2, 2014
July 2, 2014
June 2, 2014